Vivienne Callahan’s life is definitely not roses, puppies, and sunshine. Raised by an addict mother and thrown in the hospital by an abusive ex-boyfriend, Vivienne is finally on her feet. She surviving on a minimal paycheck and living in a rundown part of town, but she’s free of her boyfriend’s abuse and taking care of herself as she has her whole life.
Readers don’t learn a bunch of Micah’s past or present, but readers will fall in love with this sweet character. After working his way little it by little bit into Vivienne’s life, he leaves her a big tip one night. Her pride stinging, Vivienne tails him to his huge billionaire business on a mission to return the money. After fits of fainting due to lack of food and being pregnant, Vivienne finds herself in the hospital.
Vivienne’s life takes a drastic turn for the better. She has support for basic needs and access to medical care paid for by Micah. Micah takes a back seat to let Vivienne work through her pride, but is always in the background as her guardian angel. Literally! There is a small touch of paranormal that hints to coming out in the next of the series.
Totally loved the author’s realistic writing, and it was not overdone or too dramatic. The characters are believable. The book ends on an insane cliffhanger that almost made me throw my Kindle across the room. Almost.