*** 5/5 Stars ***
This story was ooey gooey awesome! Zombie gore with a hate but love him hero... this book was awesome. While I can't watch horror movies, I love me some old fashioned flesh eating monsters (weird, huh?). MR. Ramirez did an excellent job of keeping the story unique in a market saturated with the undead. The characters are raw, real, and just crazy enough that is made my reader hair stand on end.
The main character is a recovering alcoholic and a jerk, married to a gal who's tried for years to change him. On one fatal night of a car crash, life goes way out of whack. His ex girlfriend is literally out to get, I mean eat him, and the previously docile sick folk are now out for flesh. Dave discovers a platoon of friends, enemies, and new family in his escapade to escape the horde of undead and keep those he loves alive. I don't want to give any spoilers!
A very fast paced horror story with lots of action and plot lines, this book kept me on my toes and reading late into the night. Ends on a clammy cliff-hanger. You might as well do your favor and just buy book one and two together so you don't have to wait to see what happens next.
Steven Ramirez is the author of Books One and Two of THE DEAD SERIES,Tell Me When I’m Dead and Dead Is All You Get. He has also published a number of short stories, as well as a children’s book, and he wrote the screenplay for the horror-thriller film ‘Killers.’ To hear about new releases,visit http://stevenramirez.com/newsletter/. Steven lives in Los Angeles with his wife and daughters.
You can connect with Steven on Twitter at https://twitter.com/byStevenRamirez and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/StevenRamire.... More information at http://stevenramirez.com/