Thursday, September 4, 2014

Book Review & Giveaway (blog exclusive of 2 ebook copies!): Predator & Prey by James D Horton


Mr. Horton has a bit of a Beauty and the Beast short story series going on… except add in vampires, some hot attraction/sexy time, and a messed up, crime ridden city. Lily is on the radio at night a la Dr. Phil, consoling and encouraging the night shift folks who know what goes bump in the night. Wolf, tall dark, gaunt, and handsome is a secret admirer and caller. Due to his interest, Lily becomes the target of a violent assault. Wolf saves her, brings her into the oh-hell-no-don’t-enter woods. Their attraction a sure thing and Lily’s old life out the door, Wolf teachers Lily what it means to be a predator and not a prey.

Fast pace, spunky, and fun this was an easy paranormal romance to gobble up in a few hours. Look forward to reading the rest of their story and learning more of Wolf and Lily’s world.


James D Horton is a breakout new author of the Predator & Prey series which is an urban fantasy setting with a paranormal romance story. It features vampires and the human Lily who falls in with the enigmatic Wolf, who is not your run of the mill vampire. The story starts in Predator & Prey, then continues in Predator & Prey: Beast. The third book in the series is in progress which is Predator & Prey: Control, which will wrap the first set of books focusing on Lily's story.

James D Horton is also the author of two popular non-fiction books which are relationship advice books presenting the successful actions that he and his fiancé use to make their relationship better every single day with their six children.

He lives in Lamar, MO with his fiancé and their children, plus the ever annoying Spock, a Yorkshire Terrier Chihuahua.


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