Thursday, November 14, 2013

Book Review: World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks


I've committed the ultimate reader sin- I watched the movie before I read the book it was based on. Based is used loosely in my opinion. This book was engaging and just real enough to scare the living crap out of me. If zombies swarmed, this book would be fact and not fiction. I synopsis revolves around the oral histories supplied by survives around the world who are interviewed by the author. From American to Antarctica, the history of the world destruction slowly unravels. The book touches on human greed, determination, and our ultimate need to survive whatever is thrown at us. The different viewpoints provided by the interviewees introduce the reader to the various responses of each country and culture's response to the undead take over. I was lucky enough for to listen to the audiobook version. It was glorious and made the creepy, holy crap is this real?! factor, so much closer to home than if I had been creating the voices in my head. Each character has an authentic accent and it's so REAL. I highly recommend the audio version. It's like listening to the oral history of world war survivors and reliving the scene through the painful chords of their personal voice.



The New York Times bestselling author of The Zombie Survival Guide and World War Z, Max Brooks has been called "the Studs Terkel of zombie journalism."
He lives in New York City but is ready to move to a more remote and defensible location at a moment's notice.
Max Brooks's The Zombie Survival Guide formed the core of the world's civilian survival manuals during the Zombie War. Mr. Brooks subsequently spent years traveling to every part of the globe in order to conduct the face-to-face interviews that have been incorporated into World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War.