Review: The Man Without Rules by Tyffani Clark Kemp
Lord have MERCY!! Where do I begin? How can I properly convey how utterly fantastic this book was? I was all hot and bothered almost 90% of this book for crying out loud! I very rarely read erotica that involves any sort of fetish. I find that they are very...what's the word....over-exaggerated. I may be wrong but I know nothing of play and all that jazz. It was the total opposite with this one. I felt strangely connected to both of these characters that had such depth to them. It's very rare that I love both characters in the story. There's usually something about one of them that pisses me off. These two...perfect! Sebastian Boa isn't just the man whoring model that everyone makes him out to be. There's a soft side inside that hard shell and you get to see bits and pieces of it along the way. That man is a walking orgasm. And did I mention that he has a floor to ceiling library? Oh, I didn't? :::queue panty drop::: Mariss Red definitely has some spunk to her. How she could resist not humping that man was beyond me. Goodness gracious, I feel the need to fan myself just thinking about the sexual tension between these two. But Mariss is a married woman with no intention of leaving her husband. Steel resolve....more than me. I was a puddle of goo.
The best part about this book is that it was everything but predictable. I had no idea where this relationship was heading and it certainly did not end up where I thought it would. I sometimes have trouble with books and their "timeline," so to speak. Some books just seem rushed. The Man Without Rules was a fine wine aged to perfection! I could almost feel Sebastian's walls crumbling down the more time he spent with Mariss. It started off with a sex scene that will have you panting! There was a lot of that angst that I so love in my romance novels. Seriously...these two together are sizzlin'! I always appreciate an author that can write these steamy masterpieces that keep me begging for me...and I did...beg that is. She better write fast.