Title: Cities That Eat Islands (book 1)
Author: M.E. Purfield
Pages: 272
Mixing Sarah Paretsky and Andrew Vachss into a noir urban fantasy, the author of the Miki Radicci series delivers a tense and twisted thriller of epic proportion.It waits in the basement. Feeds on children. Used them to lure more in. But its hunger is just the beginning and not for it alone. Carmella Noto, a brilliant young artist, experiences people's pain and death. Her twin brother Enzo, a non verbal autistic, accesses radio waves in his head. When a brilliant killer kidnaps their best friend and murders his family, the siblings use their psychic abilities to save him. Through the hot dark streets of Brooklyn in 1961, the siblings discover a demonic cannibal who's only the tip of a mystery that starts in 1921 Jersey City