Title: The Watcher Series
Author: AJ Eversley
Genre: YA Dystopian Sci-Fi
Editor: Q Books Editing
Cover Designer: Cover Art by Salome Totladze
Hosted by: Lady Amber's PR
The Complete Watcher Series Box Set includes: WATCHER | CARBON | SAVIOR plus BONUS mini novellas: KENZIE | MAX | COLEMAN | AELIS
Perfect for fans of Divergent by Veronica Roth or Red Queen by Victoria Averyard
"First came the Bots. They were meant to serve us, but they turned and thousands died. Then the Carbons arrived and we were left with only a few hundred humans. After ten years of war, I'm one of the few survivors. I'm a Watcher, and I won't give up the fight."
As a Watcher, Sawyer Russo has sworn to protect her fellow humans. But the Bots and Carbons that overran her city are evolving, and are picking off her comrades one by one.
Embarking on a desperate mission to save humanity from extinction, Sawyer discovers that the line between friend and foe is no longer easily drawn when one of her own betrays them. Faced with a choice between fulfilling her vow and avenging those who have fallen, she must ultimately decide who can be saved … and who can’t.