Title: Onyx Webb: Book Seven: Episodes 19, 20 & 21 (Onyx Webb #7)
Published: Oct. 24, 2016
Pages: 264
Format: Paperback
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Published: Oct. 24, 2016
Pages: 264
Format: Paperback
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More questions get answered in Book Seven and the timelines are narrowing much closer.
Onyx Webb is a complex multi-genre mash-up that combines elements of supernatural suspense, crime, horror, romance, and more. The Onyx Webb series follows the unusual life of Onyx Webb along with a central group of characters in various locations and times.
The billionaire Mulvaney family, piano prodigy Juniper Cole and her brother Quinn, paranormal show hosts Cryer and Fudge, and a few others make up the core of the series. Written like a book version of your favorite tv series (think: supernatural soap opera like American Horror Story) each character’s story moves forward with most every episode. It may appear that the characters are entirely unrelated and yet episode by episode, the connections will become clearer. Like being an inch away from a spider web, with each book, the web will move further and further away revealing the full story of every character and most importantly, the stunning conclusion for Onyx Webb herself.
In Book Seven: Juniper's brother Quinn visits Koda and will finally see his sister. Stan Lee gets revenge against Mika Flagler. Onyx Webb deals with the crazy film festival and life alone... for now.