- My pixie haired dream model looks just like Kendra! What a crazy coincidence!!
As if you need another reason to come to utopYA, there will be several models attending!! I was stoked last year when Frankie Rose brought her cover model, Collin Atkinson, to the convention. I remember asking Lori if he was shirtless and running downstairs to catch a glimpse. Lori even dino-posed him! Good times!
Kelsey Keeton also brought a few of her own cover models along,
Serena Capuzzo and Jaclyn Rutland. [caption id="attachment_5249" align="aligncenter" width="192"]
Yup....that's my cheesy face. Lori was talking about Dino-posing and we couldn't keep a straight face.[/caption]
This year proves to be even more exciting with double the amount of models!
:::please don't pass out, please don't pass out::: LOL I have a few favs that are going but they are all spectacularly gorgeous. Who wouldn't want to meet someone that adorns the books that we love?! It's a no brainer. These models are almost always the face that I see as the character and it's such an honor to meet them, and more importantly, the author that gave them a story.
I hope to see you all at UtopYA 2014!
Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to meet authors, models, bloggers and readers!
To see what UtopYA is all about, visit http://utopyacon.com/
and for tickets visit
I'm bound to miss someone so PLEASE let me know if any other models are attending so I can add them to the list. I did a lot of stalking to do this post LOL. Also, I think this goes without saying but I do not own these images. Please do not crop/alter/edit these images without permission from the artist. Thanks!
If you want to be super creeper, you can right click and "view image" to see the full size :)
I'm sure you want me to shut it already and show you the models...without any further adieu, I give you .....
Joshua Sean McCann
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="303"]
I'm sorry...I just got back from picking my chin up off the floor. Yum![/caption]
Image Source: furiousfotog
"I am so stoked it's like my first event and I can't wait to meet people and actually start getting my face and talents out there. I just wanna get my comedy and acting in the open" ~Joshua
Let me just say that this guy has no filter. If you follow him on Instagram you will see. I love it!
Instagram: big_nasty_14
Nathan Weller
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="279"]
Just look at the face...He looks like a total sweet heart with a dash of mischief. Okay, maybe it's the other way around. Drool worthy[/caption]
Image Source: K Keeton Designs
"I'm looking forward to just having the first experience at UtopYA. Soaking it all in and diving head first into the author love. Kelsey Keeton got me started, she found me on Facebook. I had to work at the bar the night before so I showed up hung over on two hours sleep. After she posted the pics it was all book covers from there." ~Wellenator
Shield your eyes, children LOL
Jesse Daniels
Don't judge me...I had to put a shirtless model somewhere!
[caption id="attachment_5281" align="aligncenter" width="225"]
Curb your drool, ladies![/caption]
"R.K. contacted me about the covers, she was such a great person that I was more than happy to help her with her covers. I didn't know it was going to turn into all of this but I am excited to meet everyone and have some fun!" ~Jesse
Zac Rantz
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="259"]
My girl Nancy loves Zac! I can't wait to see more of him.[/caption]
Image Source: K Keeton Designs
"I got started because I love working in creative outlets whether it is my band to writing to acting, so modeling was just another way to tell a story in a different art form. Since then I've just been having fun and seeing where the road leads." ~Zac
twitter: @zacrantz
Cameo Yvette
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="233"]
Cameo has such a great look. I can see her being on a saccharin sweet cover and a super sexy one.[/caption]
Image Source: K Keeton Designs
""The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you've come"....unknown! This quote speaks to me because I did come from a rough background with limited opportunities....and rather than dwelling on the hardships, I have learned to value the lessons learned. I am who I am because of each struggle I have endured. I feel like so many people fixate on what has happened and forget to dream about what can still happen. The future is what you make it." ~Cameo
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="201"]
This is my FAVORITE!!!!!!!!!! Dude, it has a skull and crossbones on it! How can anything compare? LOL[/caption]
Amanda Daws
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="228"]
The shots from this winter scene are just stunning! She needs to be on a cover ASAP! I would kill to see the shot on a PNR![/caption]
Image Source: Fotos by BD
I didn't meet Amanda last year but I saw her in passing. She has killer style and glasses that I want to yank from her face LOL She's awesome AND SHE MAKES CAKES!!!!!!!! ~Ren
I attended UtopYA for the first time last year. Words can not accurately describe the atmosphere and experience you have there. It's amazing. It is also how I got into the world of book cover modeling. There were a few authors whom I met that suggested I should give it a shot. They introduced me to the incredible Kelsey Keeton of K Keeton Designs. I love her to death and have thoroughly enjoyed working with her. As an avid reader, the idea of being on the cover of a book is just a thrill for me. I can not wait to get back to UtopYA this year to see all those who I had the privilege to meet last year and to 'expand my clump' even further! " ~Amanda
Image Source: K Keeton Designs
Tessi Le'Anne
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="179"]
I love the look of this picture. I cant wait to see Tessi on a paranormal cover. (Can you tell I'm a little obsessed with paranormal covers? They're addicting!)[/caption]
Image source: K Keeton Designs
"I began modeling after high school after being contacted by different photographers. I started working with Kelsey Keeton of K Keeton Designs, modeling for book covers, when one of her male cover models, Grant Mroz, saw some images of me that Red Vine Studios had posted and passed my information along. Kelsey invited me to a book cover shoot in November to observe her style and the general process and we have been worked together almost every weekend since. "
"Kelsey Keeton is bringing a group of her book cover models, as luck would have it, most of us are very great friends, so I am very much looking forward to the road trip from Missouri to Nashville! This will be my first ever Author Convention and I am so excited to have this opportunity. I hear there are nightly events such as Costume Karaoke and a dance, our group knows no strangers and is very outgoing so that's sure to be a blast! I very much look forward to meeting so many of the Authors in person who have chosen me to be on their books, representing the characters that everyone has come to know, love and connect with. I look forward to meeting so many new people and making new friends. We will have a table with awesome swag, business cards and are so excited to actively interact with everyone... Loyal Readers, Fans, Bloggers, Editors and Authors alike, so make it a point to find us, swing by and meet us. We can't wait! " ~Tessi
Kendra Malcom
Image Source: K Keeton Designs
"I am a full time student, wife, and mother of two crazy toddlers as well as a part time model and book blogger! I have loved books since before I could walk, according to all of my family, and I learned to read well before Kindergarten (my grandma owns a bookstore). I have always had a passion for books above all else so that is one reason I am so excited to be attending UtopYA this year! I always have a book on hand, whether hard copy or on my phone, and I always make time to read to my kiddos and read some for myself every night! I'm so excited to actually meet authors and be exposed to a more intimate environment between author and reader. I just recently had a dream come true of being on a book cover, which I never thought was possible in a million years! I had shoulder length hair and then I cut it all off into a Pixie Cut and thought for sure I wouldn't be on a cover until it grew out but it turned out that the author actually NEEDED a girl with a Pixie to portray her main female role in her book so I was ecstatic! The cover I got on was Skye Turner's 'Alluring Seduction'. Skye graciously let me read the first book in the series as well as supplying me with the copy I was on and it just got me even more excited about many other opportunities I could have with my favorite hobby! I have a book blog myself but I am still new to it all and I could definitely improve in some areas which I plan to do!" ~Kendra
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="495"]
I can totally see her on a dystopian cover! A total badass chick! No seriously....someone needs to get this photo and do a cover ASAP, mainly because I need to see it.[/caption]
Image Source: Leslie Tucker Photography
Morgan Daniels