Wednesday, August 28, 2013

In Too Deep by Brandy L. Rivers

DAMNNNNNNNNNNN! I really loved this book. Let me say this I love reading about the weres, vamps, but more importantly I love reading about the main character when they are kicking ass.

With In Too Deep you have a tattoo artist (which by the way is freaking awesome) who is leaving behind her ex in San Francisco why? Well you just have to read that to find out, lets just say I would have kicked him to the curb a long time ago sweetie. Not only that Fallon has a bad past with  a vampire name Malachi. When Fallon ends up in Edenton, were of course where her friend Jess lives and other beings such as fae, weres, mages and healers. It was like destiny was calling her there.

When a werewolf named Brody hits into her motorcycle one night, and Fallon saves him something starts between the two that Fallon is scared of. She has never had good luck with guys and after leaving her ex behind she truly does not want to be in another relationship.

Fallon being a bad ass tattoo artist that can put a ward on tattoo's she has a lot of abilities, she can cast spells, heal. And she cares for others way more than herself. On top of that she is hot! When she lands in Edenton waiting on her bike to get repaired she is offered a job at Inktastic and starts making friends along with getting to work.

Brody lost his wife years ago, and when Fallon comes into his life his world changes dramatically. He feels a need to protect her and he wants to be with her but he is willing to wait a bit until she is ready. That being said Brody is a gentleman on so many levels he is such a sweetheart! You can tell he really cares for Fallon and others. I love how he calls her sugar, whenever he talks to her it was like awwwwwwwwwww! And the way Brody talked to his brothers you can tell there was brotherly love there.

Fallon and the others are now into a battle with evil. Malachi wants Fallon and he will do anything he can to get to her, even kill those that are around her. But Fallon doesn't give up without a fight.

If you are looking for a book full of everything you could want in a book. Then this is it. You get all sorts of the supernatural, you get a main character who is just bad ass. You get a fight scene, and of course you get the sex! I mean you have to have sex in a book like this, with these type of characters. I can not wait to read more by this author! She did a terrific job.



I've always loved books, especially about monsters and magic, so I started writing. I'm working on a prequel and the next few books in the Others of Edenton series, and I have a head full of stories to share.

I'm a stay at home mother with a wonderful husband who lets me write and write to my hearts content.

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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Review: Bristles by Donna Callea


Format: PDF

Fantastic, easy to jump into novel. A mix of fairy tale, fantasy, steam punk, and dystopia, this young adult novel kept my interest from the first page.

After the death of mother at birth and father in childhood, Bryssa is stuck with oblivious step sisters and a horrid stepmother. Her stepmother makes her a servant and Bryssa serves a life a'la Cinderella. Tired of oppression in the dingy, depressing city she eeks out a life in, Bryssa sets out with friends to discover her mother's birthplace.

After discovering adventure and unknown family, Bryssa once again faces down her worst enemy and the whole society she left behind.

The main character is very likeable and I appreciated her tenacity. Her romance is sweet and endures through all the trials they face. The story flowed easily and was not stilted. I enjoyed the changes of scenery and the folklore the author weaved into her story.

Highly recommended for any steam punk or young adult alternate society/dystopian fans.








Before Donna became a novelist, she was an award-winning journalist. OK. She didn't win any awards you might have heard about. We're not talking Pulitzers here. But she did work as a reporter for a minor metropolitan newspaper for a number of years, during which time she wrote numerous stories that elicited laughter, tears, outrage, civic pride, civic shame-- and won a few prizes. But not any Pulitzers.

At a pivotal point in her career, Donna decided that she would much rather write fiction than factual news stories. And since the newspaper she worked for much preferred printing the latter, she embarked upon a long and lonely journey as a novelist, culminating in the publication of two well-received e-books: The Haircut, A New Year's Tale and New Coastal Times. Neither has yet to win any prizes. Not even very obscure prizes that no one has heard about. But thank you for asking.

Donna is currently hard at work (OK, not so hard at work) on her third novel. She lives in Florida with her very adorable husband, and really needs to get out of the house more.

She loves to hear from readers. Especially readers who have no complaints. You can send her an email at or visit her Her website:

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Review: Anyone But You by Jennifer Crusie


Format: Audiobook borrowed from library

Need an easy-peasy beach read for the summer? This book was a cute and quick read. Basic love story with some twists of age difference and a totally rockin’ dog. Fred is awesome. Everyone needs a dog like Fred. He is gravity challenged and steals bras.

Divorced and void of good self-esteem Nina and young and goofy Alex spends the majority of the novel chasing each other in an endless loop. Nina has the ever present crazy beautiful best friend who plays a vital role in helping Nina further her relationship with Alex and success at work. Alex gets his priorities and ambitions mixed up to please Nina, which causes a brief nutty break, before they are happily ever after again.






Jennifer Crusie was researching her dissertation on the differences in the way men and women tell stories when she got sidetracked into writing romance novels.

Her first book was published in 1993 (which pretty much finished off any hope of her getting that PhD) and her twenty-second book, Maybe This Time, came out in August of 2010, all of which she considers a minor miracle, especially since she is also a New York Times, USA Today and Publisher's Weekly bestseller and a two-time Rita award winner.

Jenny is currently working on her new Liz Danger mystery series. She is a very happy woman

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Review: Daylight by Karli Rush

reviewI don't even know where to start this review. I think this book could have been great but it was rushed. There was absolutely no character development. Why on earth would these two be infatuated with each other? There is a brief moment where Graham explains his pull towards Mattie and that's it. It's so brief that it's almost forgettable. I wish that the characters would have built more of a relationship. That way I could have justified their attraction towards one another. I have no problem with fast paced books but this had too many holes for me. The villain wasn't vile enough for me. If you're gonna be evil, you gotta play the part.

It had a lot going on and not enough follow through. Yes, she went to Solace to find this Daylight serum. What I would have loved to know was where is comes from? How do they make it? You know, the history of it. It was lacking in the world building department. There were only two things I liked about this book... the steamy scenes and her sassy attitude. That's it. I really wish there was 100 or more pages added to make it phenomenal. I wanted to love it, I really did. It kept my attention enough to finish it but I wanted so much more.




My beautiful pictureauthor
Karli has always blazed her own trail, whether popular or not. She has three wonderful sons and is contently married to a supportive husband. Her passion outside of writing is photography and all things natural. She is an Autism advocate and enjoys hiking, bike riding and family.
Karli was born deep in Cherokee Nation Indian Territory where she grew up loving everything paranormal and has even, first hand, witnessed a womanly spirit. The sighting, as it is referred to, occurred in Eureka Springs, Arkansas one of the top ten most haunted hotels, The Crescent Hotel. This experience captured Karli in ways that have expanded her beliefs about the possibilities of other realms.
As a teen, Karli was an avid reader, she sought out solitude for her passion in nearby Indian Graveyards. Although writing was something that has pulled at her most of her life, it wasn't until a recent visit to a Shaman, who saw her spirit's need for creativity, that she truly began down the path.
The Crescent Bound series is her first work which will consist of five books in all. She is simply thrilled to be able to share all the adventures of Alyssa Worthington with you.
Karli's ideal world would be one of open-minded kindness from everyone.

I Need A Break

Hello my lovely blog readers! If you haven't noticed, my blog posts have dwindled down this past month. I have decided that my blogging needs to take a little break. I've been so stressed out with working 4 jobs and finding the time to maintain my blog has been non existent. I will still be doing the tours that I have signed up for but I will be very selective with them after October. My reviews may be scarce from here on out. I sat down to write two reviews today and the words just wouldn't come out. You know there is something wrong when you just want to cry and quit. I don't want to quit. I enjoy sharing my love of books with the world, even if it's a small amount of you. I will continue to read books and write a review if my time allows it. I wish there was an easier way to go about it, but there's not. As they say "I've bitten off more than I can chew." You can still find me on Goodreads to see what I'm reading and what I rated. My Facebook page will still be active because I love interacting with everyone. I really hope every can understand that this decision did not come lightly. It is something that I've been struggling for months with. You can always find me on my personal Facebook page as well Please know that I love what I do and I will always be doing in some way. <3 you all!


Saturday, August 17, 2013

Review: Concealed Power (The Healers of Meligna, #1) by K.J. Colt


When I was a younger teen I used to devour Tamora Pierce’s young adult fantasy series. Ms. Colt’s debut novel likens to Ms. Pierce’s novels with the slow build-up of a young heroine in unique circumstances set in a troubled kingdom. Adenine, through no fault of her own but genetics, is kept isolated the total of her life except for small, secret outings. After experiencing a damaging attack, death of her father, and blindness, I seriously wondered if this poor girl would ever get a break!

Like Ms. Pierce’s novels, the first in this series is a bit slow in the action, but the whole purpose is to start to involve the reader in the world of Adenine, her family and friend, and their small town.As the story progresses and Adenine is finally freed, the action starts kicking. Adenine is completely clueless due to her family and friends’ choices to keep her “safe” and is constantly running into enemies and troubles she has no idea existed. Coming into her undiscovered powers, Adenine quickly comes to terms with her new fate.  With more losses, gains in friendship, and personal maturity, Adenine’s story goes through a whirl of huge changes packed in a few chapters.

This book provokes a lot of great emotions and totally involved me in the story. I was angry but compassionate toward her parents and friends for their role in her isolation, and my heart ached for all the horrors that Adenine has to endure just because of her genetics. I look forward to reading the following novels as she grows into a woman and her tale continues.





From the Author

The idea for the Healers of Meligna series came to me while I was at the doctor's office for my annual check-up. An impression imprinted on my mind, and I realised I wanted to write something controversial, yet still in the genre of Epic Fantasy. I wanted to build a world full of loveable characters, and interesting societies, that when forced together, create conflict and tension based on differences of beliefs, rather than alluding to cliches of good and evil.

I knew I would write this story from a first-person perspective. I'm a very heady/analytical type of person, and have a keen interest in psychology, so I like to bring my readers really close to the main character. I want you to feel my protagonist's highs and lows. In Concealed Power, when Adenine is perplexed, I want you, my readers, to care as much as she does about finding a resolution. I want your eyes to be glued to the pages until you've discovered, through her, the answers to all enigmas.

As I was writing the story I found myself playing games with my readers. When a book lacks swordfight and fire breathing dragons (although you might find aspects of this in the future books in the series), the author must create intrigue and mystery like a Sherlock Holmes or Miss Marple novel. The reader should be guessing ahead, thinking about the future and sorting through the clues to answer the book's questions.

This series has changed me as a writer. It's helped me discover my strengths and weaknesses as an author, while constantly challenging my tenacity (I spend a great deal of time scratching my head over the plot).

While I've written stories before, none of them have seen the light of day, but this story wanted to be published. It has its own life force that on rare occasion, has moved me to tears (especially towards the end of the second book that I'm writing right now). This story wanted to be written and I hope that you get something from reading it.



Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Review: The Brown House by Christy Sloat

reviewI've always been a huge fan of the supernatural... Give me a good ghost story and I'm hooked! Did I mention that the story is set in New Jersey? I'm a Jersey girl born and bred so I was exited to see a story that takes place here. When I started reading it, I almost felt like it was a little too YA for me. The main character kept talking about her crush Ethan that she was leaving behind in California. I kept asking myself "Why is this relevant?" Thankfully my question was answered in the form of the plot. Very nicely done! Brylee was a solid character. Thank God she wasn't one of those annoying, whiny teenagers because I would have thrown the book into next week! Ephraim and Lynley were great too and I wonder if I'll get to see more of them in book two...and I mostly mean Ephraim :0).

I'm usually good at predicting the ending while I'm reading. It's almost like a contest with myself to see how much I can guess by the end of the book. I was stumped the entire time. I didn't know how it was going to end and wow was it a whamy! I don't want to say it ends in a cliffhanger but it does. The story ends satisfactorily but you need to continue reading to see what happens. I would definitely recommend this book to everyone!

This is one of those books you don't want to read at the dark lol. I swear you will hear shit! I just finished a really creepy scene and set my kindle down on the nightstand where I always leave it. When I woke up, I reached over to continue reading and my kindle was gone! I was looking everywhere for it. On the floor, behind the nightstand and even in the boxes on my bookshelf. It was no where in sight. I lay back down, defeated, and see my kindle sticking out of the blanket at the foot of the bed. It gave me the willies! How did it get there? It is quite possible that I was sleep walking again but that's an eery coincidence LOL. ren

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Christy Sloat is a Southern California native who now lives in New Jersey with her husband and two daughters. She believes that reading is a passion and it should be embraced. She is literally obsessed with reading and tries to fit as many books in as possible. She has a very active imagination and she encourages her daughters to find theirs. Christy hopes to inspire them and others to use their creativity for the use of good. When she is not writing, reading or being Mommy, you might be able to find her at a bookstore scouring the shelves.
Look for her recent titles The Many Lives of Avery Snow, Ianni, The Unraveling of Avery Snow and The Brown House.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

ARC Review: Steel Lily by Megan Curd


Every once in a while there comes a book that leaves me absolutely stunned. This makes writing a review very difficult since my brain is still trying to wrap around the awesomeness that is Steel Lily. Oh, and guess what?! My steampunk cherry has been popped! Even though this is like a steampunk/dystopian. Some of my all time favorites have been dystopian and this is another to add to that list. The imagery is beyond phenomenal! I could almost feel like I was right there, taking in the sights and sounds of this amazing and complicated world that Megan has created.

As for the characters... At first, I didn't really care for Avery. She seemed kinda one noted but as with most great stories, you see the character transform into the person that they are. Avery can be quite the little spitfire. Jaxon is infuriating but goddamn is he hot and funny! The witty banter between Avery and Jaxon is downright hilarious. It's so hard to conceal reading at work when you bust out laughing. Toni at My Book Addiction has an awesome pic of Jax with her review. You should check it out here!

The ending was so bittersweet. I guess you could consider it a HEA ending but there was a casualty that weighs heavy on my heart. I am once again having a HUGE book hangover and wish she was finished with Iron Pendulum. I'll probably do a marathon of her books just to stave off this feeling.


Megan Curd is a graduate of Northwestern College in St. Paul, Minnesota. While having always enjoyed reading any books she could get her hands on, Megan didn’t begin writing until a friend encouraged her to do so while in college.

When not writing, Megan enjoys spending time with her family and friends. Traveling and snowboarding are hobbies she loves, and doesn’t turn down the opportunity to play xBox with her brother and friends when it presents itself.

Megan currently resides in Stanton, Kentucky with her husband, son, and Great Dane named Dozer.

Megan’s Website | Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Goodreads | Amazon Profile

Friday, August 2, 2013

Review: Dance with Darkness by Melissa Darnell

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I am a HUGE fan of Melissa Darnell's The Clann Series! It was one of the very first books I ever purchased on my Kindle. I saw her post about this short story today and absolutely had to jump on it! The third book, Consume, comes out later this month. SQUEALLL!!!!!! This short story was a frickin tease! How can you end it so abruptly like that? I feel like she dangled some money in front of my face just to quickly snatch it away. I feel cheated! It leaves it open for more and I don't know if the relationship between these characters will be brought up at all in Consume. It was much shorter than I anticipated. My Kindle told me I was 75% through and the story was finished. Yeah...I've been Ikea'd. Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed it! It was sexy and sweet with a little of that Clann magic going on. I just wish it would have been longer. On the plus side, I noticed there is a NA PNR series that she just released today. I feel another bender coming on!!ren


Melissa Darnell is the author of a growing list of adult and YA fiction and nonfiction books. Born in California, she grew up in Texas and has also called the following states home since then: Utah, West Virginia, Louisiana, Alabama, Kentucky, Iowa and South Dakota. She currently lives in Nebraska with her husband Tim and two children, Hunter and Alexander, where she enjoys watching Whale Wars, Glee and True Blood, designing digital graphic products for the virtual world of Second Life, and of course writing her latest book.

For information about her other books, playlists for each of her books, and more, please visit Melissa's websites at and

Melissa Darnell is represented by Alyssa Eisner-Henkin at Trident Media Group

Review: Forbidden by Amy Miles

I've been beating my brain lately when it comes to my reading list. I was swept away by the whole New Adult craze that I snubbed my first love, YA Paranormal Romance. My brain is currently laughing at me, giving me one of those "I told you so" lectures. This book took me right out of that funk! It has everything I love in my books from a forbidden love to a kick ass fight scene. Forbidden is an exhilarating page turner that will have your heart beating a mile a minute. Vampires are my all time favorite myth and I appreciate this twist on an old age tale of Dracula...or should I say Vladimir. This is one of those books where I was thinking about it if I wasn't reading it. It consumed my every waking thought so I undoubtedly needed to finish it last night. I had decided only half way through that it was one of the best books that I've ever had the pleasure of reading.

I loved every single character in this book, including the villains(not that I love them..I loved to hate them lol). Each character had their own voice and that's extremely important to me. Rose was a bit reserved at first, rightfully so, but she grows to be that bad ass warrior I was hoping for. Gabriel is a total babe...and I mean that in a total non cradle robbing way. I've only been finished with Forbidden for 9 hours and I'm already jonesin' for the next one. I feel like a druggie that needs my fix. I hate to read the blurbs on books. Call me a risk taker lol. I'm trying so hard not to sneak a peak at book two's synopsis. I'm thinking I may have to push some books back to make room for Reckoning. It's crazy that it took me two years to read this book since I've had it on my TBR list since I first saw it. Amy's assistant/hubby gave me the nudge that I needed. What can I say? I'm stubborn. I HIGHLY recommend this book to everyone! ren





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Amy Miles is the author of Forbidden, Reckoning and Defiance Rising. When she's not writing, Amy can be found traveling, cuddled up with a good book or beating her husband at Scrabble.

Amy is currently working to release five more books in 2013.

Redemption (Book III of the Arotas Trilogy)
Immortal Rose (Prequel to the Arotas Trilogy)
Relinquish (Book II of the Rising Trilogy)
Netherworld (Book I of the Hallowed Realms Trilogy)
And an NA contemporary romance that is still to be named